Latest Projects
Siffleur Walking Bridge

Project Description
Deep in the Kootenay Plains Ecological Reserve the floods of 2013 destroyed the walking bridge to the Siffleur Falls area and backcountry. ASC, entrusted to repair this only route, planned and executed the project without incident to the satisfaction of Alberta Parks and many local and travelling visitors. Challenges for this project included risk management for a complicated helicopter longline operation to access the remote area for equipment, gravel, rock, and personnel while preventing any disturbance to the reserve land surrounding the site on all sides.
- Consultation
- Engineering
- Environmental Monitoring
- Bridge Construction
- Earthworks
- Longline Operations
Ram River South Bridge

Project Description
Midway through the famous Alberta Forestry Trunk Road the flood of 2013 destroyed nearly everything the bridge on Ram River South had to rest it's hefty frame. ASC put plans in motion to digout and repair the south abutment to rectify the bridge teetering dangerously and open access for the public and industry in a very short period of time. Challenges for this project included environmental protection of the water habitat, silt and erosion control, steep slopes, low clearances, and satisfying the needs of the camping public throughout the project. Without incident, ASC was able to restore the bridge and reinforce the abutment for future water flow.
- Consultation
- Engineering
- Environmental Monitoring
- Temporary Dams
- Earthworks
- Extensive Erosion Management
Elk Creek Area Lease Reclamation

Project Description
ASC has completed more than one thousand lease and road reclamations just like this one all over Alberta. Our teams are experts in the specialized skills required to reclaim land to regulatory and historical specifications. ASC commitments to the surrounding environments and community partners enables us to complete similar projects in a timely, cost-effective, and environmentally sensitive manner. Challenges for these projects include weed management, public safety, traffic accommodation, quality and erosion control.
- Earthworks
- Environmental Consulting
- Seeding and Cultivation
- Transportation
- Waste Management
- Erosion Control
- Survey
Foothills Lease Construction

Project Description
This project in particular, the Jumping Pound LNG Plant Expansion outside Cochrane, AB exemplifies the Company's ability to coordinate and project manage diverse teams made up of many contractors safely, efficiently, and on time. As the General Contractor for the expansion challenges included concurrent plant operations, multi-employer worksite coordination, engineering and survey specifications, and water management.
- Earthworks
- Engineering
- Survey
- Transportation
- HSE Project Management
- Pile Driving Operations
- Railway Construction and Repair
- Concrete Work
- Retainer Wall Construction
ASC is family safe reliable efficient competitive
We are located in the beautiful foothills of Central Alberta, Canada for all your Petroleum Lease building, road construction, and maintenance needs in Alberta.
Our Commitment
In business for over 50 years, ASC has an edge on employment and inventory.
The entire project cycle from planning to handover and debriefing is devoted to delivering a superior product.
Through planning, consultation, compliance, and research ASC operations conducts all phases of work on behalf of present and future generations.
Health and Safety
Integrated into a robust loss prevention program based on risk, the health and safety of our workforce and the public is akin to everything we do.
ASC intends to provide smiling faces as we work in other communities by minimizing disruption and bolstering local economies. This starts with our own personnel on the ground.
A diverse and expansive list of equipment is cared for daily by dedicated mobile service technicians.
Project Integrity
Project cost-saving opportunities are capitalized and forwarded to our clients for improved industry-level sustainability.
and more...
We are excited about our work.
You will be too. All of our clients are important to us in oil and gas, civil, commercial, residential, transportation, private, and more.
Meet the Team
Kent Saunders President
Kent is the next generation of family owners and is evermore excited to take ASC to new heights.
Larry Anderson Field Superintendent
When Larry isn't managing the field projects he keeps busy with volunteer firefighting and public office.
Monika Lavery Controller
Monika is the newest addition to the team and brings expansive knowledge, skill, and experience to ASC.
Get in Touch With Us
Contact Us
Get in touch
Transportation, road maintenance, road and lease construction, residential work and more.
The Office
- Address: P.O. Box 1620, Sundre, Alberta Canada
- Phone: (403) 638-4261
- Toll-Free: (888) 638-4261
- Email:
Business Hours
- Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm
- Dispatch - 24 hours, 7 days a week